Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Some information on middle names

This following information provided with permission by Robert W. Baird:

A Brief History of Middle Names

The use of two given names – a first name and a middle name – was essentially unknown in Europe until the late Middle Ages, and even then the practice was limited to a few distinct cultural groups.    Middle names among English-speakers were nonexistent until the mid-1600s, remained quite rare for another century or so, and did not become common until well after the American Revolution.[1] 

Middle Names in the Southern Colonies

Among the British stock of the southern colonies middle names were rarely bestowed on children until after the Revolution and did not become customary until the mid-1800s.

During the 17th century, fewer than one in a thousand male Virginians of British stock carried a middle name.[2]    Studies of public records in several Virginia counties suggest that parents gave their children more than one name so rarely that the practice was essentially nonexistent.[3]    

Middle names began to find favor among the wealthy in the mid-1700s.  Aristocratic families increasingly began giving their children two names, so that by the time of the Revolution a quite small but noticeable proportion of southerners carried middle names, mainly those from upper class families.   A study of the births and baptisms recorded in Virginia’s Albemarle Parish Register shows that about 3% of children born between 1750 and 1775 were given middle names.[4]   Among the upper classes the occurrence of middle names was more prevalent, but not common.  Only three of our first seventeen presidents carried middle names, for instance.

The practice did not really catch on with the middle class until well after the Revolution, and became increasingly common within a generation or two.   Although only a small percentage of children born around 1800 were given a middle name, it had become customary by the time of the Civil War.   By 1900 nearly every child born had a middle name.  In fact, the enlistment form used in World War I was the first government form to provide space for a middle name – a reflection of the assumption that nearly every soldier had one. 

Sources of Middle Names

Initially, middle names tended to be lineage-related.   When the practice first arose among the aristocracy these names were typically drawn from within family.  One study of aristocratic families showed that three-quarters of the middle names bestowed in the 1700s and over half in the early 1800s were taken from inside the family.[5]  The maiden names of mothers and grandmothers were particularly popular.    But they sometimes went further afield; John Quincy Adams, the first President to bear a middle name, was named for a maternal great-grandfather.

By the time the middle class adopted the custom a generation or two later, lineage names were still popular but most children were given the names of unrelated persons.   The single most popular namesake of children born in the early 1800s was George Washington -- which single-handedly accounted for the significant increase in the popularity of the name “George” in the 19th century.   By the time middle names became the norm, the proportion of lineage-related names had declined significantly, and the middle name was often just a second forename, with little or no lineage-related context.

Exactly why middle names suddenly became popular within the space of a few generations is not completely clear.  To some extent it may simply have been a social trend that eventually became the norm.  But it must have been encouraged by its obvious practicality.  With increases in population density and the size of extended families, the incidence of multiple persons in the same vicinity carrying the same first and last names eventually became quite common.  Distinguishing among several persons of the same name became, for the first time, a practical problem.  Whatever the driving forces, the custom eventually became just that: a custom.

For genealogists, middle names not only help us differentiate among similarly named people, but they can provide lineage clues as well.   But we need to be cautious.  Americans not only named their children after relatives, they also honored friends, politicians, military heroes, religious leaders, and even distant (but often wealthy) relatives.  This is obvious when a child was given a name like George Washington or John Wesley, but perhaps not so obvious when a child was named after Lorenzo Dow, Seaborn Jones, or Furnifold Green.[6]  

Before concluding that a child’s name is lineage-derived, it’s best to research the names of regional and local ministers, politicians, and military men.  Even then, people did name children after close friends and those from whom they curried favor. 

Mutation into Uniquely American Names

One interesting result of the movement to name children after popular or admired figures is that by the mid-1800s we begin to see Americans using given names that were unknown in Europe.  Uniquely American names like Jackson, Columbus, Lee, Jefferson, Wesley, Luther, Washington, and the like were clearly derived from honorific naming practices.   

[1] By the 15th century, Germans were giving their children two names: a spiritual name (usually a favorite saint) and a secular name (the name by which the child was known). 
[2] In my own genealogies, I can identify two within the same family.  Thomas Vicesimus Ivey, born perhaps 1625, was the twentieth child (Vicesimus is Latin for “twentieth”) and the second son in the family to be named Thomas.    His grandson Robert Smith Ivey, born just after the turn of the century, was named for his maternal grandfather.
[3] Surry County’s records, which are unusually complete for the latter part of the 17th century, record only one person who used a middle name. 
[4] The author’s own study, unpublished as this is being written.
[5] Kulikoff, p250.
[6] Lorenzo Dow was a famous itinerant Methodist preacher and author, Seaborn Jones a famous lawyer and early Georgia politician, and  Furnifold Green was a military figure in central North Carolina who contributed his name to several local children.
Copyright © 2001-2007 Robert W. Baird, All Rights Reserved

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Compare these pics to the possible Jesse P photo

Here's the possible Jesse P photo along with some descendants. See any family resemblance?
Jesse P Caudill ?

grandson Malachi Enoch Caudill (1877-1910)

grandson Thomas Jefferson Caudill (1859-1931)
son Tyrrell Robert Caudill (1850-1918)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Who do you think they are?

This picture belonged to Mattie Lou EDWARDS SHOLES (1919-2003). She was a great great granddaughter of Jesse P CAUDILL (1795-1891). Mattie's parents Alta Blanche CAUDILL (1898-1996) and Lonnie EDWARDS (1894-1968) inherited the Jesse P homestead from Alta's parents Tyrell Robert CAUDILL (1850-1918) and Nancy Caroline FENDER (1853-1942) who inherited the property in 1891 from Jesse P's second wife Biddie BLEDSOE (1826-1904). The property was owned by Jesse P's descendants until 1997 when Mattie and a brother sold it after the death of their mother Alta Blanche.

The picture below was handed down through each generation who lived on the property. Mattie inherited it but did not know who the three people are. It's thought that the picture might be old enough to be Jesse P and Biddy. Taken some time before 1892? The one big stumbling block seems to be the question as to what race the old man might to be. Is he black? I think it would be highly unlikely that a southern white woman be sitting for a formal picture with a black man at her side holding a white child especially in the late 1800's? What do you think? Does anyone see any clues that might indicate the time frame?

FYI - Jesse P owned slaves and several are buried next to he and his two wifes in the family cemetery on the homestead property. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Thomas Jefferson Caudill (1859 - 1932) son of Hugh B Caudill

1860 US Census - Alleghany County NC

1870 US Census - Maiden Springs Twp., Tazewell County VA

1880 US Census - Maiden Spring, Tazewell County VA

1900 US Census - Rich Valley, Broadford, Smyth County VA

1910 US Census - Clear Fork, Tazewell County VA

1920 US Census - Boissevain, Tazewell County VA

1930 US Census - Perryopollis, Fayette County PA

Hugh B Caudill (1826 - bef 1910) son of Jesse P Caudill

1850 US Census - Ashe County NC

1860 US Census - Alleghany County NC

1870 US Census - Maiden Springs Twp., Tazewell County VA

1880 US Census - Maiden Springs, Tazewell County VA

1900 US Census - Maiden Springs, Tazewell County VA

My line of the family

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Who's your oldest known Caudill ancestor?

Howdy cousins & countrymen!

I know people are viewing these posts by but I don't know who they are unless they leave a comment. I'm assuming most have a Caudill connection of some kind? If so, what's your connection? Who's your oldest known Caudill ancestor? The oldest Caudill ancestor I feel I can easily prove is Jesse P Caudill. I'd like to say the older of the two Jesse Caudills on the 1800, 1810, 1820 & 1830 census records is Jesse P's father but I'm just not sure if the Junior evidence on the 1830 census is enough to say I've proven the older Jesse is the father of the Jesse Junior. What do you think? It's the best evidence I think any Jesse P researchers and/or descendants have shown to date. Don't forget to let us know who your oldest Caudill ancestor is?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Early census and tax records from Wilkes & Ashe counties

Here's another list I compiled to help me figure out who's who of the early Caudills. Guess what? I'm not sure I've figured anything out yet! As I said we need someone with a really analytical mind to go at these lists and see if they can figure anything out. Anyone out there??? You don't have to be a descendant of Jesse P! Please feel free to chime in at any point. That's why I'm posting this information, so there can be a discussion. So far the traffic on this blog has been...well not very heavy. LOL

Click on image to enlarge:

Early property records from Wilkes, Ashe and Surry counties

Below is a listing of deeds I created back in 2001 from information collected by Steve B (a descendant of Jesse P.) Steve lives in the area spent many hours in the courthouses listed and I think he also visited the state archives in Raleigh.

My next posting will be spreadsheet showing Caudill listings on the early census records for Wilkes and Ashe counties along with some Caudill listings on some Wilkes county tax lists.

Someone with a good analytical mind needs to sit down and see if it's possible to determine what generation each of those listed might fall into. Is it possible to figure out any close family relationships?

Click on image to enlarge:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What's the first evidence of Jesse P using P as his middle initial?

The first records I can find with the middle initial "P" are a deed from Ashe county dated 1 Aug 1838 and  the 1840 US census. That census record can be found on a recent post. I'll be posting a listing of Caudill deeds on my next post later today.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jesse P Caudill on the US Census 1820 - 1880

1820 Ashe Co, NC
1830 Wilkes Co, NC

1840 Ashe Co, NC

1850 Ashe Co, NC

1860 Alleghany Co, NC

1870 Alleghany Co, NC part 1

1870 Alleghany Co, NC part 2

1880 Alleghany Co, NC
Jesse P most likely lived on the same piece of property when he was canvased for each of these census. His property sat near the county line of Ashe and Wilkes counties so this is probably why he's shown in Wilkes county in 1830. Also the part of Ashe county where he lived became Alleghany county in 1859.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Marriage bond posted by Jesse P to marry Sary Roberts

Below is a copy of the 1817 marriage bond Jesse P Caudill posted to marry Sary Roberts.

Monday, February 14, 2011

What state was Jesse P's father born?

As I said most people list James Caudill Jr as Jesse P's father. We know from James affidavit to obtain a pension for his service in the War for Independence that he states he was born in Lunenburg Virginia. On the 1880 US Census shown below Jesse P's parents are both listed as being born in North Carolina. You always have to acknowledge that the census data might be inaccurate. 

Jesse Jr? Yes JUNIOR!

In 1830 there are still 2 Jesse Caudills listed in western North Carolina. This time both are in Wilkes County. My guess is the younger Jesse has either actually moved back into Wilkes County or the census taker who entered his data didn't know what county they were in due to the closeness of the county line between Ashe and Wilkes.

This listing below for the younger Jesse has Junr after the first name. I think this listing is more conclusive than a book which mentions two possible fathers for Jesse P. 

1830 US CENSUS (click on image to enlarge)
Wilkes Co, NC (M19/125/345A-345B)
Head of household: Jesse Caudill, Junr.
Males: Under 5yrs(2), 5-9yrs(1), 10-14yrs(1), 30-39yrs(1)
Females:  Under 5yrs(1), 20-29yrs(1)

1830 US CENSUS (click on image to enlarge)
Wilkes Co, NC (M19//)
Head of household: Jesse Caudill
Males: Under 5yrs(0), 5-9yrs(2), 10-14yrs(2), 15-19yrs[0], 20-29yrs[0], 30-39yrs(0), 40-49yrs[1]
Females:  Under 5yrs(0), 5-9yrs(0), 10-14yrs(2), 15-19yrs[1], 20-29yrs[0], 30-39yrs(0), 40-49yrs[1]

First time two Jesse Caudills are listed on the US Census in western North Carolina

There was a Jesse Caudill & family listed on the 1800 & 1810 US census in Wilkes County North Carolina. These listings cannot be Jesse P because he would have been 5 years old in 1800 & 15 years old in 1810. I think Jesse P was residing in those households in 1800 & 1810 but the head of household would be his father. (The 1830 census is what I think proves Jesse P's father was also named Jesse.)

In 1820 there are two Jesse Caudills listed, one on the Ashe County North Carolina and one in Wilkes County North Carolina. The property where Jesse P lived most of his life and where he's buried sits very close to what would have been the county line between Ashe and Wilkes in 1820. 

Jesse P married Sara Roberts in 1817. Below on this copy of the 1820 US Census is  the first time Jesse P (age 25) and family are listed on a census:

1820 US CENSUS (click on image to enlarge)
Ashe Co., NC (M33/81/25)
Head of household: Jese Cauddle
Males: 0-9yrs(1), 10-15yrs(0), 16-18yrs(0), 16-25yrs(1), 26-44yrs(0), 45+yrs(0)
Females: 0-9yrs(0), 10-15yrs(0), 16-25yrs(1), 26-44yrs(0), 45+yrs(0)

The Jesse Caudill below is listed in 26-44 year old column. He was most likely in the upper part of  that age range from looking at the ages of the other occupants listed.

1820 US CENSUS (click on image to enlarge)
Wilkes Co., NC (M33//)
Head of household: Jesse Caudle
Males: 0-9yrs(2), 10-15yrs(1), 16-18yrs(2), 16-25yrs(2), 26-44yrs(1), 45+yrs(0)
Females: 0-9yrs(3), 10-15yrs(1), 16-25yrs(2), 26-44yrs(1), 45+yrs(0)
Agriculture [3]

James Caudill Jr & wife Mary Adams

The first question I always ask when I find parents listed for Jesse P Caudill is where did the researcher come up with them? What's their source?

I would guess for those who list James Caudill Jr and Mary Adams as Jesse P Caudill's parents the most likely source would be this snippet from Clayton Cox's book:
Jesse P. Caudill, by tradition a son of James Jr. and Mary (Adams) Caudill, see Chapter 4, born April 24, 1795, Whitehead, Alleghaney County, North Carolina, died in Alleghaney County, North Carolina, Apr 23, 1891, married first in Wilkes County, North Carolina, Oct 11, 1817, Sarah Roberts, daughter of Malachi Roberts. Jesse married second in Whitehead, North Carolina, June 25, 1842, Biddie Bledsoe, born April 10, 1826, daughter of Tyrell and Nancy (Reeves) Bledsoe. Jesse and Biddie are buried in the family cemetery on the Lonnie Edwards farm two miles southeast of Whitehead, North Carolina.

I have questioned Jesse as being the son of James Jr, but the old timers disagree with me. I think he is probably the son of Jerimiah, but I have no proof either way. My main questions are: (1) Why if his family lived in Wilkes County was he born in Alleghaney County? (2) Why did he stay in North Carolina when his family moved to Kentucky, if he was only 10 to 15 years of age, or why would his parents permit this? (3) Why didn't he go to Kentucky? -END-

As you can see even Clayton had doubts about James Caudill Jr. He suggests Jesse P Caudill is the son of Jerimiah Caudill.


Let's have a discussion on what we know and don't know about Jesse P Caudill and other early Caudills in the Virginia, North Carolina and Kentucky area.

I'm a direct descendant of Jesse P Caudill (1795-1891) and his first wife Sarah Roberts (1801-1841) through their son Hugh B Caudill (1826-abt1900) and his wife Elizabeth Blevins (1827-aft1879).

There's much information that can be documented but some information such as who were Jesse P's parents has yet to be proven. I for one do not believe Jesse P's parents are James Caudill Jr and Mary Adams as many people have listed on their linage. I'll explain what evidence I think exists that's points elsewhere in my following posts.

Feel free to jump in at any time! You don't have to agree with my findings but please give the details when you don't. Also, this blog is not limited to the topic of who Jesse P's parents are. I hope to cover many more topics over time. 

Note: While I use the CAUDILL spelling for the last name because that's what my line of the family settled on, the name has been spelled many different ways over the years and still today. Some of the lines using other spellings have been proven to be related via DNA testing. Have you had your DNA tested?